❤ Our Journey to Motherhood ❤ Through IVF

St. Louis, MO (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

❤ Our Journey to Motherhood ❤ Through IVF

by Talia Vogel

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $20,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $306.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$306.00 raised of $20,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
St. Louis, MO (US)

Talia Vogel is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hiya! We are Holly and Talia, and this is our journey to motherhood. We’ve been together for over seven years and last September we proudly celebrated our second wedding anniversary. We are blessed with a happy home, and we want to share our love with an incredible human one day.

We want to ask for your assistance in helping us financially reach our goal of parenthood.

Your generous support would not be taken lightly. We have a diverse, loving, healthy, supportive, and faith-centered home to raise a child together.


A little bit about us.

As parents, Holly and I look forward to sharing our passions with our child. We are excited to bring our kiddo along and share in the activities we do together like swimming, cycling, running, and hiking. One of the many ways we connect as a family is through music. We both have a love for traditional Irish music and one of the many instruments Talia plays is the Irish Whistle. Holly loves accompanying Talia on the bodhrán (Irish drum). We cannot wait to find and learn more passions from what our child introduces to us.


Why we need IVF.

We are both cis women and we cannot procreate without medical intervention. We started saving for a child five years ago and we still do not have the necessary funds to cover even one cycle of IVF.


What your donation goes toward.

$4,000 – Consultation and pretesting with a reproductive endocrinologist. We both went through baseline blood testing, various ultrasounds, and genetic screening tests.

$5,321.04 – One cycle of IVF medications. These injections stimulate follicle growth and ova maturation in preparation for egg retrieval.

$11,500 – Embryo banking at VIOS for one year. This entails numerous blood work and ultrasound monitoring throughout one complete IVF cycle. Included in this cost is one egg retrieval procedure, anesthesia provided on day of aspiration, fertilization, and freezing viable embryos.

$2,800 – Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). Testing all the embryos for genetic diseases and viability.

$5,000 – Frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle. Transferring the embryo into Holly’s uterus.

$1,850 – Sperm donation. This is includes the consult and workup for the donor, sperm freeze, and FDA labs.

$2,000 – Legal services required to give us rights to the sperm. As same-sex couples, we also have additional legal requirements to protect both of us as rightful, equal parents to our child.

$400 – A required mental health evaluation to be screened and approved services from VIOS.

Grand total: $32,871.04


Our final thoughts.

We have hoped beyond hope to be blessed with a healthy child. If we make our fundraising goal, we would have a chance at becoming moms. There have been many obstacles in our lives and we continue to thrive. Our love, faith, and support networks will help us through whatever tomorrow brings, but we need your financial gift to make parenthood attainable to our same-sex household. Please help us become the mothers we are destined to be. We will turn your gift into an unbelievably beautiful life.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and love.

Name Donation Date
cheryl WHATLEY $18.00 February 24, 2022
Susan & John Keyes $36.00 February 24, 2022
Anonymous $72.00 February 24, 2022
Adam Bellows $180.00 February 18, 2022
cheryl WHATLEY commented with a $18 donation about 3 years ago
good luck
Susan & John Keyes commented with a $36 donation about 3 years ago
We wish you the best on your journey!
Adam Bellows commented with a $180 donation about 3 years ago
May you both have many years of health and happiness!